Recent News & Press

Terrapin Bright Green’s blog listed Mango Materials as one of the new technologies added to their market readiness chart in Tapping into Nature. Other technologies include squid-inspired self healing polymers, fully recyclable shoes, engineered silk, and non-toxic hair dyes. Click here to read Terrapin Bright Green’s blog post about these exciting technologies.

Mango Materials is excited to announce our most recent grant award, a Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Our team is partnering with Dr. Junko Marr and Dr. Tzahi Cath at Colorado School of Mines to understand membrane bioreactor technology which could then be used on the International Space […]
Mango Materials was mentioned in a Stanford University eCorner article about lean start-ups. He mentions the curriculum of the Technology Venture Formation offered in Stanford’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Mango Materials’ CEO, Molly Morse, took an early version of this class and is applying these techniques to the company even today. To read more […]
Mango Materials was selected to participate in the GreenTech Investor Session at the BIO World Congress in San Diego on April 18. 2016. Molly will join eight other emerging companies who will present their company to a panel of veteran investors, along with venture capitalists, analysts, and strategic investors in the audience. Molly will showcase the […]

Shilpi Mathrani, former intern at Mango Materials, was recently featured in the BerkeleyNews, a publication from the University of California at Berkeley. Shilpi interned at Mango Materials through her participation in UC-Berkeley’s Biomanufacturing to Marketing program which connects Berkeley students with local start-ups. The students get experience working in a fast-paced, dynamic environment and the […]

Mango Materials was recently selected to participate in Plug and Play Tech Center’s New Materials and Packaging Batch 1 Platform. The Plug and Play team hand picked 20 companies to participate in “Selection Day” and 12 companies were then chosen to participate in the program. Plug and Play is a global innovation platform for startups, corporations, […]

At ABLC Next in San Francisco on November 3, 2015, it was announced that Mango Materials was named #36 in the “Hottest 40 Small Companies in the Advanced Bioeconomy” by Biofuels Digest! From the Biofuels Digest article: “The rankings, which recognize innovation and achievement in fuels, biobased chemicals and materials by emerging companies, are based […]

Molly was interviewed by Chandler Slavin for Dordan’s blog. Chandler attended SustPak 2015 in Orlando and wanted to learn more about Mango Materials and their PHA production process. Click here to read the entire interview.

Mango Materials is excited and honored to be named “Most Innovate Business” by Think Beyond Plastic. Think Beyond Plastics’ annual competition “encourages disruptive innovation in materials, manufacturing, recycling, and design that measurably reduces plastic pollution”. Visit Think Beyond Plastics’ website here.

Mango Materials’ CTO, Allison Pieja was recently interviewed for an article in BioCoder. She describes the process, history of the company, and some projections for the future. To download the Spring 2015 issue for free and read the article “Allison Pieja and the Minor Miracle of Methanotrophs” written by Glen Martin, click here. From the […]